Sunday, June 17, 2012

And I am the happiest person on earth today. 17-06-2012.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Today I succeed to conquer my own ego, even though I defend it awhile before, but in the end I am able to put it aside. And after some thinking, I'm glad I choose the right thing to do, because, again, I almost ruin something valuable to me because of my ego. I'm learning, that's why I still need to try harder. Aku tidak mau ego ku ini kembali menghancurkanku, "merusak" hal-hal di sekitarku, dan terutama, saat ini, di sekitar kita. Aku ingin yang terbaik untuk kita semua, untuk kita. Thanks for helping me to understand, thanks for making me a better man. Nite... Sweet dream. Let's meet again tomorrow and fill our day with happiness. =)